Error in Filezilla, sending of file

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi, I'm trying to send a large batch of jpegs via FPT and I am using Filezilla. I had no problem sending the first batch of file. But I keep getting this error messages after that. '500 invalid path' and '550 path does not exist'. How can I continue sending my file?

Answered By 0 points N/A #86536

Error in Filezilla, sending of file


Jona Engracial,

Working with ftp, not only Filezilla you must first be aware of its modes. There are basically two modes Active mode and passive mode. In fact these are handshake modes between sender and the receiver. Now which mode you are going to use or is preferred depends on network settings, The NAT and firewall settings. If you are behind firewall passive mode suites you. In other case use the active mode. To change and check the modes follow the steps.

  1. Open up filezilla client. Click Edit.
  2. Go to “Network Configuration Wizard”.
  3. Expand “Connection” and Click “FTP”.
  4. In right pane select the mode (if you don’t know the network settings exactly try setting both one by one).
  5. click ok and send files with no mess.

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