Error found in custom UI XML of “Norton Antispam Outlook Plug-in

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi experts,

I am facing Custom UI run time error in Norton AntiSpam outlook plug-in. I have installed Microsoft Office 2010 on my Windows 7 OS. How can I resolve this issue? Can I get the solution step by step to fix this issue? Any idea would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Are you facing Custom UI run time error in Norton anti spam outlook plug-in?

Error found in custom UI XML of “Norton Antispam Outlook Plug-in”:

Line: 10

Column: 68

Error Code 0x80004005

“violates minLength constraint of ‘1’.

The attribute ‘label’ with value “failed to parse.

Answered By 0 points N/A #181309

Error found in custom UI XML of “Norton Antispam Outlook Plug-in


Please go to C:Users,your user name.AppDataLocalVirtualStoreProgram Files(x86). Check if you have any subfolders there. If you don't have any, try to uninstall and then reinstall you MS Outlook Office. If the error persists, try to access check command and use this line:

C:UsersMarkDocumentsOutlook FilesOutlook3.pst"

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