Asked By
30 points
Posted on - 06/19/2012
Hello All,
I'm using HM 4.0.1 for website development. I've been struck with a strange scenario. I'm getting error message of ' cannot open the site', see figure below. I do understand when does it appear and how to avoid it, but I'm unable to understand the reasons for this error.
Apparently, it seems that error is in Hierarchical Menu, but on the other hand it is in HTML Page.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer cannot open the internet site
Operation aborted.
Has anyone else suffered from this error?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Error in HTML Page using HM 4.0.1
Is the site an experimental site and found in the same computer?
Or is it in the server and you are a client?
If you are a client, then the part of the program is not accessible because of an internal programming error that you may have created during building of the webpage. The Internal scenario is that the internet explorer shows such messages only when there are some problems associated with the usage of the programming of the webpage or that the connection to the server seems not to be unreachable probably due to a block in firewall or the antivirus shield.