Error In Cloudsetup.exe Installation Process

To make my documents accessible automatically on my personal computer I installed icloudstup.exe, but I found error displayed, I am not able to understand.

To make my documents accessible automatically on my personal computer I installed icloudstup.exe, but I found error displayed, I am not able to understand.
The solutions are
That error is related to a feature that is not available in your operating system. If you want to install iCloud, check that your computer meets the requirements. For Windows users, iCloud supports Windows 7 and Windows 10. Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 8.x are not supported.
It is compatible with iTunes 12.7 or higher, Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 until 2016, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox 45 or higher, and Google Chrome 54 or higher.
For Mac users, it supports OS X 10.13 High Sierra and higher and compatible with iTunes 12.7, Safari 9.1 or higher, Mozilla Firefox 45 or higher, Google Chrome 54 or higher, and iWork for Mac (Pages 5.5 or later, Numbers 3.5 or later, Keynote 6.5 or later). If your computer meets the requirements, download iCloud for Windows. Also, try updating your operating system.
If you have Windows 7, download Windows 7 Service Pack 1. This is the latest and only Service Pack update for Microsoft Windows 7. After updating to Service Pack 1, download Platform Update for Windows 7.