Asked By
damon healy
30 points
Posted on - 05/16/2012
Do you have any idea about this specific error? I encountered this when I am in the course of installing Virtual DJ. Please see the screenshot below for your reference. Can you please give explanation and suggestions on resolving this issue?
Decompressing this file in memory would require 44Mb of contiguous memory.
Your system has only a total of 147Mb available free segments (out of the 2047Mb), and they are too fragmented to hold a contiguous buffer.
Therefore the song will be loaded on-the-fly from the drive (and the full waveform preview will not be available).
Error on Installation of Virtual DJ
The video card is causing this problem with the drivers that is showing more RAM on the VirtualDJ than the what is available. The VirtualDJ is using this RAM for caching the video on the memory.
While the song is playing, the memory usage is increasing. And when you tries to load a new song, the memory will become available and will increase again. To fix this, update the drivers, firmware and BIOS from the manufacturer website. Just type your motherboard brand and model and then go to its official site.
This issue occurs with the current ATI video cards but it can also occur on some models that has the same driver issues. Use a Registry tool to configure the maximum video memory that VirtualDJ utilizes. Use VideoMemMaxUse for better configuration settings. Or use Registry Tool such as VideoYV12Bug and nVidiaFreezeBug.
Error on Installation of Virtual DJ
Well, the only solution that I can think of has already been provided by Mr. Expert above. Updating your BIOS will solve your problem most likely because despite the nature of the problem related to the internal processing of a system, whenever the Basic Input Output System or BIOS is upgraded, all the values are restored to default and most of the problems that were there before are omitted without any hassles.