Error in Installing Security Updates

When I am trying to install security update an error message comes up. Please see the screen shot of the error message. Please guide me to solve the problem. Thanks in advance.

Some updates are not installed.

When I am trying to install security update an error message comes up. Please see the screen shot of the error message. Please guide me to solve the problem. Thanks in advance.
Some updates are not installed.
Hi Mandy,
This issue may be caused as your Windows Update Agent needs to be reinstalled. Please do try to follow the steps below:
· Create a folder on your C: Drive where you can save the Windows update agent file. You can name it WINUAGENT or whatever name you wish to use.
· Download the Windows Update Agent from the link and save it on C:WINUAGENT.
· You then need to force the reinstallation process of the Windows Update agent by the use of the command prompt. You need to type the following command: C:WINUAGENTWindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe /wuforce
· After that you can restart your computer and your Windows update should be able to work fine again.
Hi there,Â
It seems you are having trouble with Updates.