ERROR INVALID FIELD 1616 The record field does not exist.
I think I made a mistake, I tune check disk of C; got cannot access volume; and D; lunching it normally.
Now my laptop does not start,
error unmountable_boot_volume
stop 0x00000ED (0x86470650,0xC000009C, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
I tried to restart with Acronis and it launches and can see the two drives. I then tried to start with the Product Recovery disk that came with the laptop, and it hangs with the following message:
Waiting for ODD to become available
ODD drive E; ready
Check for medium in drive E
I must point out that since the DVD drive of the laptop is faulty I am using an external one connected via two USBs.
Hope you can help!
ERROR INVALID FIELD 1616 The record field does not exist
Hello Jhon,
That may be an error due to a bug in the Acronis True image and therefore you will need to verify if you made any changes to it lately. In case you did you will need to restore of remove those changes and see if that will resolve the issue. If the error still persists you might just want to reinstall Acronis.
ERROR INVALID FIELD 1616 The record field does not exist
If you are using a portable optical drive to be used with the recovery disk included in your device, I suggest you go to your BIOS and locate if you have an available USB boot option. Going to your system BIOS depends on the system you are using, so please refer to the user manual included with your device. Once you have completed the task, try using the recovery disk.
But if there is no USB boot option on your device, I suggest you go to your local tech shop to address the issue.