After upgrading the measure tool Silverlight to the fifth version I have got an error, something like: the following errors were found. [ReflectionTypeLoad_LoadFailed] Arguments: Debugging resource strings are unavailable. What is this and what to do to fix it?
Error in measure tool silverlight 5.
Hello Curtis R IRving,
     If you want to remove this error then you have to run the application in Administrator mode so that it can occupy as much resource as the program want in execution. All you need is to start the program as a "Run as Administrator" and after that you will never get that error again. If that thing would not stop after that then you have to set the network setting and you have to provide the Host name and other settings after that you will get your program runing.
Error in measure tool silverlight 5.
Hello Curtis,
The error you have mentioned sometimes it shows after upgrading to another version of Ms Silverlight. This issue can occur if the existing installation or uninstall has become corrupt. If you want to automatically uninstall Silverlight then hit the button in the ‘Fix for me’ section or you can do it by yourself. For that, you need to go to the ‘Let me fix it myself’ section. You have to follow the steps I am giving below to resolve the issue.
At first go to Start and type Notepad in the Search box then Double-click on Notepad from the list of results above. Now copy and then paste the following text into Notepad.
reg delete HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftSilverlight /f
reg delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTInstallerProducts{D7314F9862C648A4DB8BE2A5B47BE100} /f
reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClassesInstallerProducts{D7314F9862C648A4DB8BE2A5B47BE100} /f
reg delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTTypeLib{283C8576-0726-4DBC-9609-3F855162009A} /f
reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp Pathsinstall.exe /f
reg delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTAgControl.AgControl /f
reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall{89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00} /f
rmdir /s /q "%ProgramFiles%Microsoft Silverlight"
rmdir /s /q "%ProgramFiles(x86)%Microsoft Silverlight"
* Click Save As from File and type CleanSilverlight.cmd.
* In the Save as type box, click All Files (*.*)
* In the Save in box, click Desktop, and then click Save
* Click Exit from the File menu
* Now Right-click the CleanSilverlight.cmd file on your desktop and select Run as administrator.Â
When the uninstall process completes, right-click the CleanSilverlight.cmd file on your desktop and click Run as administrator for the second time. Now you have to install the latest version of Microsoft Silverlight, and CleanSilverlight.cmd file from your desktop.