I can not open any of my files for some reason. They were fine yesterday and now it pops up a error message each time. The error message is – There was a problem sending the command to the program. Why would my files not work in one day? What does this error message mean?
Error Message Can Not Open MS Office Files
Hi Tyrone,
This error is prevalent while attempting to open an existing Excel workbook.
In Excel 2010 and 2013,
1 The File tab should be clicked and then go to Options.
2 Go to Advanced and scroll down to the General section
3 Ignore other applications that use DDE (Dynamic data exchange) check box should be cleared under General.
4 Save the changes by clicking OK.
Error Message Can Not Open MS Office Files
your "normal.dot" file may be corrupt… Do a Repair install of Office.
You can open it in Google Docs.
Or you can change it from Registry also. Start menu-> type regedit->HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWord.Document.12shellOpen "
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWord.Document.12shellOpenddeexec] @="[REM _DDE_Direct][FileOpen("%1")]" [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWord.Document.12shellOpenddeexecApplication] @="WordView" [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWord.Document.12shellOpenddeexecTopic] @="System" [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWord.DocumentMacroEnabled.12shellOpenddeexec] @="[REM _DDE_Direct][FileOpen("%1")]" [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWord.DocumentMacroEnabled.12shellOpenddeexecApplication] @="WordView" [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWord.DocumentMacroEnabled.12shellOpenddeexecTopic] @="System"