I have installed Movie Maker 2.1 and the files were imported good as well as clips in the collection. An error message encountered after some uninstall and reinstalls of ffsshow. The following error message displayed after the Movie Maker crashed. Can I solve this problem? Provide a proper solution. Thanks in advance.
Windows Movie Maker
Error signature
AppName: moviemk.exe AppVer: 2.1.4026.0 ModName: divxdec.ax
AppVer: Offset:00038cb5
An error message encountered after some uninstall and reinstalls of ffsshow
Hi John,
This error occurs when there is a conflict between a software program and a Windows Movie Maker.
To resolve this error follow the steps as mentioned below:
1) Click 'Start', Click 'Run', type 'msconfig'
2) In the System Configuration utility, Click 'General' tab, Click 'Selective Startup'
3) Click and Clear 'Load Startup Items' checkbox. Check 'Load system services' checkbox
4) Click 'Services' tab
5) Click 'Hide All Microsoft services' checkbox
6) Click 'Disable All', Click 'OK'
7) Click 'Restart' the computer when prompted
8) Restart the system in normal mode
9) Click 'Start', Click 'Run', type 'msconfig'
10)In the System Configuration utility, Click 'General' tab
11)Click 'Normal Startup load all devices drivers and services', Click 'OK'
12)Restart the system