Asked By
Jo Opheim
65 points
Posted on - 07/05/2016
While working on the latest version of Microsoft excel 2013 you may encounter the following message excel cannot complete this task with available resources 2013.Which is a trouble maker. Why does this error arise and how can it be removed?
Answered By
febi Joe
0 points
The Error Message -Excel Cannot Complete This Task With Available Resources 2013
An error stating that excel cannot complete the task due to lack of sufficient resources even in the latest versions will be irritating. However this is a simple error that can be solved by mere self servicing. The reason why this error occurs might be because of exceeding the limit capacity of excel workbook, number of characters in a cell, exceeding maximum selection range etc
The error can be solved by updating to the latest version of Microsoft excel 2016 available as it contains inbuilt coded for upgrading programme strength and be void of previous versions glitches. Closing multiple excel instances and working under the default limit will make sure that this error will never reappear again