Error message while trying to use components

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

It looks that I have set up incorrect or harmful element data files because every time I start Flash and try to use any element, I end up with the error information like "Unexpected file format"  and Flash ends quickly after that. I re-installed Flash, but the problem is still there. What should I do? Thank you in advance.

Answered By 55 points N/A #98272

Error message while trying to use components


This error normally comes when you try to open a flash file that is being made in higher version of flash, lets say flash 8 and you are trying to open it in flash 7. The reason is that the flash 7 does not have the features which flash 8 has and thus it restricts for opening the file.

There is no need to install the software again and again. Just install the latest version of the software, open that file in it and save it in an older format.

There is no harmful or incorrect element data that you have setup due to which the error is causing. You just have to follow the steps I told and there will be nothing to worry about.

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