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0 points
Posted on - 09/18/2011
Hello everybody, I need little help. I see this error message in my Windows. I don’t understand about this error.
"Error Message for Windows
Lookup Error code List Explorer Help About
Specify an MS Windows error code number in the Error Code box.The error code you enter will be described in the text windows below
Error code 32
Description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
Save windows location on the desktop
Keep windows topmost on the desktop"
So I need support for solve this error problem. If anyone knows solution then shares here by your answer.
Please help me to solve this problem.
Error Message for Windows XP
Hi dear, this is a complex error and this is also very much difficult to fix.
Now the question is what this error tells and why this comes.
So the answer for you is that this program is may be used by another process means that some programs are restricted for only one usage and this program is may be one of them and also create a hindrance to used by other application.
So if it is restricted one then there is no any solution for you and it’s not then you can try another version of that application and then try to start that one if the same problem exist then it is restricted for that version of windows.
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0 points
Error Message for Windows XP
Error (Code 32)is a known error that is caused by outdated or corrupt drivers. Failure to keep your drivers up to date could result with system malfunctions and device problems.
Solution:It is highly recommended that you update your drivers now to fix the problem.
Device Manager may report about and provide resolutions.
To view the error codes, follow these steps:
Click Start, click Run, and in the Open box, type control panel.
In Control Panel, double-click System, click the Hardware tab, and then click Device Manager.
Double-click a device type. For example, double-click Modems to see the devices in that category.
Double-click a device to view its properties. If an error code has been generated, the code appears in the Device Status box that is on the General tab.
Error Message for Windows XP
Hi Himanirao
Pay a visit this Techyv post "System Error – Code : 32". Here you will get more information to fix this issue.