Error Messages on double clicking Glovebox Application

Hi experts
When I double click Glovebox app, I find the error on top. After I click Yes I get the message on bottom. Sometimes the application comes up but most of the time it don’t come up. After I found it I used my Glove for a while. Recently I am running it again after not using it about 2 months.
Please help. Any help would be very much appreciated.
Error: Single Instance Error
The application encountered problem while attempting to determine if any other instance of the software were running. The following problems were encountered:
Failed to open shared memory – failed to release mutex
Do you want to open the application anyway? If another instance is open, the Glove may fail to connect properly.
Exception thrown
Creating a view of shared memory failed.
At GloveBox.GloveBoxMain.writeHandle(InPtr hWindow)
At GloveBox.GloveBoxMain.OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)
Application Exiting……..