Error with Microsoft Office Access

Dear friends
Iam newbie to Microsoft Office Access, when i start typing in the title field it started showing an error.
Help me to get out of this error.


Dear friends
Iam newbie to Microsoft Office Access, when i start typing in the title field it started showing an error.
Help me to get out of this error.
I am just having a look on the picture you have attached, I cannot see any error message, but I can see that in the “Title” field, you are trying to type “0”, in the same time this field has a kind of drop box, the problem may be here, if the “Title” field is made to contains a specific predefined values, you will not be able to put other value in this field, for example, if you have a form that will appends values to a certain table, where the field “Title” should contain a fixed values i.e. (Professor and doctor only), so you will not be able to put any other value in this field.
Thank you