Error msg P4:not enough storage is available to complete this operation.;hash=’-1541471422″

Hello expert We are using MS Dynamics CRM2011 for Microsoft Office Outlook by Offline Access (5.0.9690.1992). We are running both XP and Office 2007.
A number of users are finding this error.
When the error popped up, I was in the middle of typing an email.
I opened a single PDF in Acrobat Reader for 125KB.
I also opened 8 messages in Outlook on different size between 120KB – 500KB.
There are two Internet Explorer windows running, one with My News and other with AOW. I had also opened two Windows Explorer windows and each folder holding just 300KB of total files.
I had opened one Excel spreadsheet.

Error: P4: not enough storage is available to complete this operation.;hash='-1541471422"
Now help me to solve this.