Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 08/23/2011
An error occurred during the installation of assembly "Microsoft.Windows.Networking.RtcDll, type="win32", version="", publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df", processorAchitecture="x86"".
Please refer to Help and Support for more information. HRESULT: 0x80070002. Please help on how I can resolve this problem.
Answered By
0 points
An error occurred during installation of MSN messenger.
Greetings Rnyariki,
Most of the time this error seem to happen when the antivirus or anti spyware or adware used in the PC tries to block the access of Windows registry or other essential windows components by any external software.
In order to solve the issue mentioned above, I would suggest you to turn of these security softwares including firewall and then try installing the messenger. Also you may try downloading the messenger once again and give a fresh try.
Answered By
Noel Sam
10 points
An error occurred during installation of MSN messenger.
For solving this issue please follow my path:
1. If you use any kind of spyware detect programs then please turn it off. If you use Microsoft® Windows® AntiSpyware (Beta) then go to taskbar notification and right click on Windows AntiSpyware icon and click on Shutdown Microsoft AntiSpyware.
2. Now restart MSN Messenger Setup again.
If your problem is not solved yet, you have not enough disk space, please check it. Run Disk Cleanup tool.
To make some disk space available:
For making some disk space which is available on your hard drive, follow my below steps:
a. Click on a star or press windows key, and then click on Control Panel.
b. Then Click on Performance and Maintenance.
c. Now Click on Free up space on your hard drive. The Disk Cleanup dialog box appears.
After Disk Cleanup dialog box appears. Follow my below steps:
a. From Disk Cleanup Tab choose the following check boxes.
Downloaded Program Files.
Temporary Internet Files.
Temporary Files.
Temporary Offline Files.
Offline Files.
b. After checking above boxes then click on OK for deleting the files from selecting locations.
c. When prompted, then click on yes for starting disk cleanup.