Error occurred during installation process of Steganos Security Suite 2007

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi All,

I have been trying to install Steganos Security Suite 2007 without much success. The installation fails with an ‘Error opening file for writing’ message. I tried aborting the current installation and tried installing again making sure that I had no other programs open. Again I get the same error. I remove the installer and downloaded a fresh version of the installer. But even after trying to install from this, the problem persists. How can I resolve this issue? Is my installer corrupted? I hope someone can help me with a solution for this issue. Thank you all for spending your time on this.

Error opening file for writing


Click Abort to stop the installation,

Retry to try again, or

Ignore to skip this file.

Answered By 15 points N/A #179687

Error occurred during installation process of Steganos Security Suite 2007


Hi Marion,
The error the installation settings are not correct.
To resolve this error follow the steps mentioned below:
1) Cancel all the running installation files in the Steganos security suite 2007
2) Open the task manager in the system
3) Click the 'Process' tab and find the 'SatSvr.exe' in the list
4) Right click on the file and select 'End Process' option
5) Check that the file is completely removed from the system
6) Close the task manager and run the installation file again
7) The installation process shall be completed without the errors

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