During an Intelligent Disaster Recovery (IDR) process, the error message (Figure 1) may appear when creating an IDR image of a remote server. How can I overcome this error without having any trouble? The below attached image would be enough to get the proper solution. Help me to fix this immediately.
Error: "Error opening registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersion" on "\server-name". Access is denied"
Error occurred during an Intelligent Disaster Recovery (IDR) process
Hi Christopher,
You may follow these steps for checking;
You must check correctly the address or location of the IDR.
Make sure that the key you are entering is correct.
Check the connectivity of your PC or laptop.
Make sure the LAN/WAN Connection is active.
– Check the switches are running and try to ping each port.
– Check the connector and cables if there is still connectivity.
Error occurred during an Intelligent Disaster Recovery (IDR) process
You need to modify your IDR updates registry key.
Follow these simple steps:
1) Open windows registry and browse"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREVeritasBackupExecEngineIDR."
2) Double click 'DR Update Allow Excludes' key and change the value of the key to 1.
3) Stop and Start the Backup services for the registry setting to take effect.
Now you will be able to create IDR image without getting any error.
Hope this helps