Error occurred with Traffic Manager policy

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I am trying to create Traffic Manager Policy but I get the following error message on the screen when I try to click on Create in Traffic Manager. You can see the error image below so please observe and find the relevant solution to remove this annoying error message. I would be grateful to you for any kind of assistance. Thanks in advance.


An error occurred while saving your Traffic Manager policy

An internal error occurred. Please retry your operation at a later time. If this error continues, contact Microsoft Customer Support for help.

Answered By 0 points N/A #171651

Error occurred with Traffic Manager policy


Resolution 1:

Close Traffic Manager completely in the task manager and then restart it. Retry creating the traffic manager policy.

Resolution 2:

If the issue persists, you will need to contact the Microsoft Customer Support as the error message suggests. Describe your issue clearly and make sure to include your subscription and deployment IDs.



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