An error occurred while attempting to delete the virtual machine.

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi dear,

Please tell me why I am receiving this error that you can’t delete Virtual machine and cannot perform any type of operation until the object in current state.

Hyper-V Manager

An error occurred while attempting to delete the virtual machine.

Deleting                                                ‘failed,

The operation cannot be performed while the object is in its current states.


Best Answer by Ronald01
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #103497

An error occurred while attempting to delete the virtual machine.


HI Lesliwestt,

To delete virtual machine the first thing you do is to turn off or shut down the machine and make sure to delete and clean all snapshots. M y friend also tried this when he was running the Hyper-V (beta version) in his machine.

After that you should check the service of VMMS. That it is running properly by right clicking on it.

And also check the service of Image Management, because these services are very important, if any one is not working properly.

It will cause a lot more problem with your machine Secondly check some other things that 

  • Either you are managing the console of Hyper-V remotely or not? 
  • Check it physically. 
  • What type of client is RDP'ing using? Microsoft or any other?
  • The main thing is the access, that any other user can also access the machine other than admin?

Hope you will figure out your problem and solve it.


Answered By 10 points N/A #103498

An error occurred while attempting to delete the virtual machine.


Hello Leslie,

To resolve the issue that you are getting, you will need to add the Virtual Machine SID to the virtual hard disk  file or to the snapshot file using the following steps:

  • You will find the Virtual Machine ID that is listed in the "‘General access denied error’ (0x80070005)" error message.

    For instance, consider the following error message:

‘VMName’: IDE/ATAPI Account does not have sufficient privilege to open attachment

‘E:VMsVMNameDisk0.vhd. Error: ‘General access denied error’ (0x80070005). (Virtual

Machine ID 5FC5C385-BD98-451F-B3F3-1E50E06EE663)

The Virtual Machine ID is 5FC5C385-BD98-451F-B3F3-1E50E06EE663 in the above machine.

  • You will need to open an elevated command prompt.
  • In order to assign the Virtual Machine ID (SID) access to the .vhd or .avhd file, you will need to type the following command, and then press ENTER:

icacls <Path of .vhd or .avhd file> /grant "NT VIRTUAL MACHINE<Virtual Machine ID from step 1>":F

For instance, to use the Virtual Machine ID that was noted above, you will have to type the following command, and then press ENTER:

icacls "E:VMsVMNameDisk0.vhd" /grant "NT VIRTUAL MACHINE5FC5C385-BD98-451F-B3F3-1E50E06EE663":F

  • After that you can start the virtual machine.



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