An error occurred while delivering this message

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I have this error when I try to send an email. Is not working at all, it doesn’t matter if I use my wireless connection, 3G or anything else. I made all the necessary updates and nothing solved my error. Can anyone help me to fix this error ? What happening with my phone ?

Thank you experts !

Cannot Send Mail

An error occurred while delivering this message.


Answered By 0 points N/A #175575

An error occurred while delivering this message


There is a number of possible explanations for that message. To narrow them down, follow these steps:

1. Try to login into your email account with another device and then sending the mail. If you can, then the culprit is not an error in your email account.

2. Try using different email services from your phone. If none of them work, then the cause is not any single one of them.

3. Try moving a few blocks and see if the error persists as sometimes the location can be the cause.

The most likely origin of this error is in your phone. If you've managed to eliminate all other causes, then try to clear the cache on the phone and uninstall old apps. If that doesn't work, take it to the authorized service for repair but backup all your data beforehand.

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