Error occurred while doing research on Internet Explorer with Windows XP Professional

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

When I was doing some research on the internet all of a sudden the following message appeared. I am using Internet Explorer on my Windows XP Professional. Can anyone tell me what the problem might be?

Function areaFunction{radiusParam}

Windows Internet Explorer

Function areaFunction{radiusParam}


/// <summary>Determines the are of a circle

/// based on a radius parameter.</summary>

/// <param name= "radius" type= "Number"> The radius

/// of the circle.</param>

/// <returns type="Number"> the area.</returns>

Var areaVal;

AreaVal = Math.PI * radiusParam * radiusParam;

Return areaVal;



Best Answer by Davidson Mudge
Answered By 0 points N/A #137885

Error occurred while doing research on Internet Explorer with Windows XP Professional


Hello Oraliarfielding,

While you were browsing the internet, the web browser (Internet Explorer in your case) tried to download some file from the server and the code in that file seems to be messed up. The error message shows the code with the problem and the problem is that the code is commented unnecessarily.

This file was supposed to execute on the server and send the result to your browser, but since some lines of code are commented they cannot be read. So, there is actually nothing that you can do about it.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #137886

Error occurred while doing research on Internet Explorer with Windows XP Professional


Hi Oraliar,

This error seems like Visual Basic error, if this came up on just a specific website then the problem is not on your end. It would be from their servers or a problem with the code on their website. The website may be already inactive or the code had been altered and instead of it showing a notification, it showed this error box instead.

However, if this is showing on all websites then the problem can be your browser. For you to isolate it you can try opening a website from another browser. If it still gave you that error then it will be your computer that is having a problem.

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