Asked By
moss mathew
20 points
Posted on - 02/21/2013
I got “DShowHelper:: CreateFilter ()Dvico UYVY Converter creation failed” running.

DShowHelp er :: CreateFilter()Dvico UYVY Convert creation failed.
What is this error? I want to correct this error. Any person can solve this problem, tell with a clear orientation.
An error occurred while running DViCO
This error: "CreateFilter()Dvico UYVY Convert creation failed" is usually seen in Windows Vista or Windows 7.
I'll tell you some steps you that can try, then check if the error persists.
1) You need to run the command prompt "The black screen" as administrator – "Run as admninistrator"
Check the picture below, as to how doing it:
2) You then need to folder of the appropriate program through Command prompt window.
3) Once done, you should see a confirmation.
Check if the issue exists