Error occurs while deploying DWGTrueview with Dell Kace K1000
When I am deploying DWGTrueview with Dell Kace K1000 I get this strange problem. Dell Kace K1000 version is 5.3.53053. Here I'm deploying DWGTrueview 2012 or 2013 on Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit system.
I got error given below on the clientpc;
The system cannot find the path specified, C:WindowsTEMP_AIC89D.tmpx64dwgviewrdwgviewr.msiPrevious to this installation I have installed .Net 4.0 Sp1.
The installation is launched by a .bat-file with this command:start /wait DWGTV2012_x64setup.exe /q /w /t setup.ini
I noticed that the files are properly copied to this path;
There is no any dwgviewr.msi in the "C:WindowsTEMP_AIC89D.tmpx64dwgviewr".
Installation worked well when I tried to start the installation by clicking the batchfile from clientpc from "C:ProgramDataDellKacedownloads".
Please help me on this case.
Thank you.