Error opening pcap file the stream is not a PCAP file

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I am getting this following error message. Anyone please help me to solve this issue.

Thanks in Advance

The stream is not a PCAP file. Magic number is A0D0D0A Or A0D0D0A but should be A1B2C3D4.

Error opening pcap file: The stream is not a PCAP file. Magic number is A0D0D0A

Or A0D0D0A but should be A1B2C3D4.


Answered By 30 points N/A #175449

Error opening pcap file the stream is not a PCAP file

Hi there William J Leibowitz,
Looks like you are using the file from the older version of the software and that would be the reason you are getting this error. 
You will be glad to hear this is easily fixable – you just need to convert your file into a proper PCAP file, as it most likely in the PcapNG format. You can easily convert the files using the online converter on the following link:
Once the site loads, just upload the file using the 'Choose File' button and when file is uploaded click 'Convert to PCAP'. When the conversion is done, you will be asked to save your file.
Best regards,
Drake Vivian

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