Can someone help me with this blank error? I tried opening up a wowcombatlog, but it freezes and an error window appears. The problem is, I can’t identify the problem since the error message is blank.
Has anyone experienced this before?
I need help fixing this.
Thank you for any help.
An Error opening up a wowcombatlog
I think the wow combats file that you are trying to open is in a binary format and the program you are using to access or open it doesn’t support opening of binary files. If this is the case here and you really need to open that particular file on your computer, I think you need to use an application that supports opening of binary files.
You may also try restarting your computer and then try it again if this is the first time it happened on your machine. Or you can check your computer for any possible errors. Use a disk utility application to check the system. For a much thorough diagnostics on the system, use a disk utility application like Norton Utilities or Norton System Works.