I don’t know what is happening to me because of this annoying error message. I am trying to play a game but I am unable to play it properly. The following error message displays on the screen showing some textures following. I extremely need your help. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Error opening following textures:
Error opens textures has occurred
In order for you to solve this problem you must troubleshoot the application you will have to follow the troubleshoot Wizard it will take you through the steps which will result in this problem being resolved. If you still unable fix the problem you must then turn to the proven method of reinstalling the software this will without a doubt result in the problem being remedied.
Error opens textures has occurred
Hi James D Guerrero,
This appears to be a bug in the version of Warcraft III that is currently installed in your computer. To fix this, follow these few steps:
1. Check for the latest available update and immediately download and install it in your computer.
2. Also check for patches as the program might already have recognized the bug and have the patch to fix this.
3. Restart your computer and run Warcraft III again.
Hope this helps.
Murakami Wyatt