Asked By
40 points
Posted on - 06/12/2011
I have no time to do more chit chat, but I am stuck up with this error of Visual Studio.
It was running fine, but I got a surge power attack to my computer,and after it turned on.
I was getting this error when I started Visual Studio, "No Listener" available.
ORA-12541: TNS:no listener
I have tried to sort this out, but no one helped me out. I know now why this error appears but don’t know how to fix this problem or error.
I can make it easy for you by telling why it appears. It appears because if the listener is not being started or not being correctly configured or may be due to a network problem.
I tried to start the listener but couldn’t succeed.
Now I am totally hopeless and depending on anyone of you to reply to my post for fixing this error up?
Answered By
0 points
Error ORA-12541 Listener Not Available
This error code has many reasons to occur:
Listener not started,
Error in the configuration of the listener
Or due to a network problem
You have already tried to start the listener but the program refused to do, so you should configure the configuration parameter ORACLE_SID as follows :
set ORACLE_SID=DB_NAME (with DB_NAME the name of the database you are working on)
then set the ORACLE_HOME parameter as follows:
set ORACLE_HOME=path_to_your_oracle_installation_directory.
Otherwise compare the TNSNAMES.ORA and the LISTENER.ORA entries (they must contain the same destination address).
Don't forget to restart the listener after taking these actions.
Error ORA-12541 Listener Not Available
ORA-12541: TNS: No listener occurs, when the listener is not running or the serve is unreachable or it may be down.
Another cause may be that the listener is not properly configured. With this, we must have the listener up and listening on the address. You can check if your listener is up and running by:
Please click on Start then Settings.
Please go to Control Panel, then Service under NT or Listener Control Program. It shows the current status or state of the listener
If the listener is properly set up, this may be caused by Network connection problems.