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Posted on - 09/13/2011
Hi everyone,
I installed a 3Dmaxdesign 2011 and haven’t found a way to restore ribbon within max. Tried launching it and this message came on screen.
Since then every time I load max I get the same error message:
XAML Parse Error
Error parsing Xaml file: Root element is missing
Anyone with ideas?
Error parsing Xaml file: root element missing
Hello, this kind of errors occurs to many people. It just means that something wrong happened during using your application. This error also is related to the new version of 3ds Max or 3d Max design for the year 2011. There are there probabilities to see this error. First, after finishing your session you tried to exit the application either it is 3d Max or 3d Max design. While it was exiting, the process did not complete successfully. This because of a corruption happened to the preference files of the 3d Ma, this file as appears in the error message is Xaml file.
The problem and its solution is Explainedin details in the following link
Download Link
Hope it may help you.