Error says that file is locked, but it isn’t

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


Hi all,

I get files from the Mac people & save them to my computer & work on them in PS 7 (XP pro). A few months ago I started getting an error from time to time when opening a file I had saved onto my computer from the macs – the 'cannot open file because file is locked, got properties to unlock'. BUT – the file is NOT LOCKED. Now, I have an image I have worked on, but can’t do anything with it because I can’t open it or do anything.

Any ideas out there?


Best Answer by Davidson Mudge
Answered By 10 points N/A #142275

Error says that file is locked, but it isn’t


Hello Gustavo,

Try the following workarounds to resolve that issue:

Workaround 1:

You will need to close all images except the image  in Photoshop and then try resaving. See if that resolves the issue, if not try the following.

Workaround 2:

  • Try making a duplicate of the image.
  • After that close everything else in Photoshop,
  • And then I can save the image.
  • In case you have Photoshop closed you will need to try to moving the file it to another directory.
  • Reboot the machine after that, and that should release the file.

Hope this helps.



Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #142276

Error says that file is locked, but it isn’t


Hi Gustovo,

                Often this issue shows with a Photoshop file, if you are transferring a file from a removable media or from a CD then it gets a read only attribute. If you will browse the file from Photoshop then you will see the read only files will have a lock icon above the file. Here is what you can do resolve the issue : Copy the file from the CD or removable drive save it to your Desktop and then do a right click on the file and then go to Properties and then uncheck the read only option.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #142277

Error says that file is locked, but it isn’t


If you often receive files from people who are using Macs and the file seems to be locked and you cannot open it on your computer, ask them to unlock the file first before sending them over to you. On the other hand, you can do it by yourself on a Mac. To unlock a file, using a Mac, control-click the file then select “Get Info”.

Another way is to simply click on the file and go to “Files” and then select “Get Info”. In “Ownership and Permissions”, check if your user account has “read” and “write” access. If you don’t have these permissions set on your user account, you need to change it. Click on the lock icon then enter your administrator password to continue.

Set “read” and “write” permissions for your user account. See if this works. A locked file is also a problem when clearing or emptying the Trash in OS X. If a locked file has been deleted or moved to the Trash, you will not be able to empty the Trash until you unlock the locked file.

This is the total opposite in Microsoft Windows where you can delete any file even if it is locked or has a “read-only” attribute.

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