Error Scanning Device: XD cam software

I am using XD cam software which has capacity for around 200 discs of import using the 330 camera which is also used to shoot the footage. Today, I got the following error message when I try to import some footage. How can I avoid this weird error? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Error Scanning Device
Failed to compile statement select t2.UMID from CUPMTADATA as U outer jo4n MEDAID as t2 outer join MEDIAINFO as t3 where tl.KEYFRAMECLIPID in (399, 412. 438, 402. 415, 392. 405, 418. 398, 395, 408, 401. 411, 414. 404, 417, 394, 407. 420, 397, 410, 400, 413, 393. 406. 403, 416, 396, 409. 419) and tl.UMIDID — t2.ID and tl.UMIDID — t3.LJMIDID and t3.DISCID 81:1(1: RIGHT and FULL OUTER JOINs are not currently supported)