Error: “SDC00400” on ELMS software

I was downloading the ELMS software when I got the error: "SDC00400". Does anyone have any idea on how I can successfully download the software?
Need help on this please.

I was downloading the ELMS software when I got the error: "SDC00400". Does anyone have any idea on how I can successfully download the software?
Need help on this please.
This error is usually due to a name mismatch between the file on our server and the file ELMS is downloading. possible solution for this is to contact the program administrator to resolve this error.
May idea on how you can success download the software check your internet connection if its momentarily gone or maybe the connection of your internet not found to your network just simply check on that if it’s possible and then maybe the proxy server has a problem or the firewall and maybe the hosting to your server is busy then check the disk space if its inadequate to download the software to your machine. Just simply attempt to resuming the download at a later time if there server is may not be as busy just simply check on that if it’s possible.
Check out this Techyv page "Error: "SDC00400", someone knows this?" for more information about this problem. Visit that page get more idea to resolve this isssue.