Error in shell from ms access 2007

I'm having a problem renaming folders (x86). I just upgraded to Windows 7 and shell gives an error message "Object required". What does this error in shell from ms access 2007 mean?

I'm having a problem renaming folders (x86). I just upgraded to Windows 7 and shell gives an error message "Object required". What does this error in shell from ms access 2007 mean?
Hello Jocelynjaimee,
‘Object required’ error occurs because of the missing of a string. Most probably here the path to the .incl file is not given correctly. To get rid of this error you need to add msaccess.exe to the path to the .incl file. I have given the correct code below.
'strHoldApp = "C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice10msaccess.exe " & strPath
strHoldApp = "C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice12 " & strPath
strHoldApp = "" + strHoldApp + ""
Thank you.
Rubi Sharlene