Error with the Show Apple Interface Command

Hi everyone
I see an error when i use the Show Apple Interface Command. "Port configuration mismatch, Port configuration conflicts". Why do my interface command shows the error message?

Hi everyone
I see an error when i use the Show Apple Interface Command. "Port configuration mismatch, Port configuration conflicts". Why do my interface command shows the error message?
I’m not sure what Apple application you are referring to here but if your application is not working right, check if its version fully supports your operating system. Sometimes there are incompatible applications that can still be installed even though it will really not work. These are the applications that don’t check the target operating system before the installation really starts.
Since you are experiencing this problem with your Apple application, try uninstalling it from your machine then check your computer for any possible errors. Use a disk utility application to check the system. For a much thorough diagnostics on the system, use a disk utility application like Norton Utilities or Norton System Works. Install the application again after the disk check.