Asked By
alex baker
30 points
Posted on - 07/27/2012
Hey all,
I have been having so many problems with MM. I threw all logic away and went with a clean install after backing up my files.
I uninstalled and removed the program files data, also from AppDataLocal & Roaming, and deleted all entries in the registry.
I then rebooted and did a normal install without a full skin.
Went through all the set up steps and when entering the files, an error occurred.
Access violation at address 0089E2FA in module MediaMonkey.exe. Read of address CDFBB34F.
I was not happy. I don’t want to show error logs unless I have no other option because I have been doing that too much lately with other programs and that didn’t get any decent answers.
MM may be great. I am getting so annoyed with these errors.
Please guide me.
Error shown with the installation of MMI
PERFORM KEYS description:
1. Information selection
¯ or ® / ¬ Proceed the cursor
2. MCU operation
BEGIN Start the engine (N1, N2, CW, CCW, OPEN UP, CLOSE)
STOP Cease the motor
RESET Reset the fault message (has to become operated twice 1-selection; 2- confirmation)
3. PUBLIC RELATIONS 112 operation
OPEN UP Open circuit breaker connections
CLOSE Close signal breaker contacts
TOTALLY RESET Reset a caution
4. System instructions
REMOVE Remove these devices from the gadget list
EDIT Alter to edit setting, parameters can end up being modified
SEND Send the actual modified parameters towards the field device
OPERATE Direct change towards the submenu from that the device can end up being operated
PARAM Direct change towards the submenu from that the device parameters may
be modified
OBTAIN PAR Load parameter through field device
PAR OUTL Reset parameters associated with field device in order to factory defaults (for MCU only)
INSTALL Installation/assignment from the LON address
DEFAULT Environment of default bindings
WINK Coach test; when pushed, the status indicators about the device flash
CONSERVE Saving of MMI guidelines
CHK ON Just parameters relevant to the present field device settings are
shown (for MCU only)
CHK AWAY All parameters tend to be shown (for MCU only).