I have been getting this faulty message ‘An error was encountered while indexing. Another program may be locking X1’s files.
The database has been cleared, and indexing has been stopped. Restart it to try one more time.
If the problem recurs, try closing other programs until indexing is complete.’ I am using X1 Version 6.2.2 on Windows 7 PC.
It was unable to repair an index even if I leave it as the only application running.
I don’t use any backup software, and I also scanned my PC for viruses.
Please send some help.
An error was encountered while indexing.
Another program may be locking X1's files.
The database has been cleared and indexing has been stopped.
Restart it to try one more time.
If the problem recurs, try closing other programs until indexing is complete.
An Error was Encountered while Indexing X1
The problem may be occurring because of several reasons which are as follows:
The X1 version that you are using is an old version, and therefore you will need to look for the latest release and install it. Once you have installed the current version, see if the problem will be solved. In case it does not, then you may need to reinstall the X1 application because it may be corrupt.
The other possible cause of the problem is that another program that you have installed or may be another program that is running on your computer is not allowing X1 to access and write to its' own index files, and that is likely to be a backup software, antivirus, antispyware or some other software like that.
You will need to figure out any change that you made to your computer before the error message started occurring and restore the system to the time before you made the changes.
-Mathew Stone