Error when importing file into Handbrake

Hi friends,
I just bought a blu-ray drive yesterday and a friend of mine told me that MakeMKV was the best format converter for encoding purpose. I installed it successfully and now I have encoded 5 movies without any trouble. I found some guide in some forums for ripping my blu-ray collection.
But when I encode the movie "Salt" using MakeMKV and then move it into handbrake, it gives me the following error:

No Title(s) found.
Your Source may be copy protected, badly mastered or in a format
which HandBrake does not support.
Please refer to the Documentation and FAQ (see Help Menu).
The same error appears for the movie "water for elephants". I have tried to rip them twice but still of no use. I am encoding them with the same technique which I used for other movies but still I am getting this error.
Can anyone tell me the reason why?
Looking forward to your replies