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0 points
Posted on - 11/12/2011
I was installing Norton Antivirus 2005 on my old PC with Win XP when I encountered this error message, see screenshot below. I have searched the web but couldn’t find any possible solution to the problem. Any advice on what to do? I have tried reinstalling several times but the same thing happened. Please help.
Norton Antivirus 2005 Setup
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0 points
Error when installing Norton Antivirus 2005 on Win Xp
I'm deeply seeing and reading your screenshot for possible solution of your problem arose.You have told that you have been installed the antivirus Norton 2005 version for your old PC and suffering for an error message that it couldn't install the antivirus software rightly and you had been tried many times for reinstalling your antivirus software but pity it was not install.I have kind suggestion and solution for this category of fatal error message.You have seen the screenshot that the loading green bar are loaded to approximately ¼ that was quiet a moment of disability situation.You must click on the OK of the error message and can solve your problem.
Error when installing Norton Antivirus 2005 on Win Xp
Hi JoaquimW,
   Encountering such error message when installing Norton Antivirus might probably you still has the antivirus running on your computer.  You must uninstall it by opening the " add or remove program" and you should reboot it.  Open the website and search for the KB article. To solve the error message you have to let  the FIX IT run in the aggressive and default modes. Then after doing all of these don't forget to reboot it again and test it.
Hope this might help you.
Error when installing Norton Antivirus 2005 on Win Xp
Hello JoaquimW,
It seems like you were installing a version of norton that is not compatible with the operating system that you are using. Since your operating system is XP, you should search the internet for a norton version that is compatible to windows XP and install it.
Another possible reason why the installation does not go well is because the norton setup might be corrupt. Maybe the setup is broken, and therefore you will have to go back to the internet and search for a setup that does not have problems. Ensure that you check for the health of the download and ensure that it is OK.
Clair Charles