Error when receiving documents from Landonline workspace

I am an a Landonline ( user and I'm facing an issue. After linking with the system, I received the following document: Landonline workspace-CPG_S04-layout plan sheets.
But I get an error. See below.
Landonline Workspace – CPG_S04 – Layout Plan Sheets
Message: 3505
Error Number 45.
Error text = Error calling external object function getxmlparser at line 60 in pfc_save event of
object w_cpg_s04_layout_plan_sheets..
Window/Menu/Object = w+cpg_s04_layout_plan_sheets.
Error Object/Control = w_cpg_s04_layout_plan_sheets.
Script = pfc_save.
Line in Script = 60..
I am eagerly waiting for a solution. Thanks in advance.