Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 10/28/2011
Hi Experts,
I am encountering an error (see screenshot below) when running my VB program on a particular XP machine in the office.
Well, it worked in the other XP machines. Verifying the code it seems the line below is the culprit.
But I am not so sure because it worked with the other PCs.
strConnecting = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
Experts, please help me. Any advice on how to fix the problem?
Error Occurred
Error # 3706 was generated by ADODB.Recordset
Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.
Error Occurred In Function ‘ValidConnectionString’
Answered By
lee hung
75 points
Error when running a VB program on XP
Hello Danny,
If the versions of XP that you were using prior to this one of different versions, then I suspect that your Visual Basic program may be encountering compatibility problems with the current version that you are using.
Check the specifications of the current XP version and ensure that it supports the VB program. If is does not then you will need to get a copy of the XP that you were using on the other computers and install it on your current system.
Otherwise your VB program may be having bugs that were generated as a result of altering its back-end code, a case which might require a fresh installation of the program.
Lee Hung