Error when starting IBM P8 Process Engine with NetBIOS

Getting "e800042c" error when starting IBM P8 Process Engine with NetBIOS disabled.
The IBM P8 Process Engine 4.5.0 server has a dependency on NetBIOS, which is documented in the IBM P8 documentation. Â How can I fix this problem? Help me.

Full error text:
Standard output: Termination of FileNet software completed.
Terminating processes…
Initializing FileNet software…
Exec of 'fn_build -a -q /fnsw/local/logs/fn_build/fn_build.log' returned non-zero status of '0xe800042c'.
Software will now be shutdown due to previous error.
Starting index database…
Shutting down security database…
Terminating processes…
Shutting down index database…
Termination of FileNet software completed.
Exit value: 0