This morning when i tried to change the state of my windows vista SP X 64, i got an error message that mentioned, "unable to allocate 4030 Mb of RAM, insufficient resources available to complete the requested service." Please try and help me figure out what is the problem.
Thank you
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Error while attempting to change the state of vista SP1?
Hi Emily,
When you are using vista, there are updates that are automatically updated and they take space on your computer. When errors occur, the error messages are stored and they occupy space too. Other things that may be taking space include deleted documents, browser histories and so forth. So I will advise that you try running the disk cleanup utility to empty the files that may be taking space on your computer:
Right click on the disk that has the operating system (C :), properties and choose disk cleanup. Check the contents that you want to get rid of and click ok. You can also back up some files that may be taking space on C: on a media like an external hard drive.
Hope this helps.