Error while changing the CPU threshold for Global Replace

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Hi experts,

While changing the CPU threshold for Global Replace on a Group, I found an error message:

Affected Objects (“Error while trying to get affected objects tree”). A screenshot of the error message is given here.

Please help me to get rid of this issue.


Answered By 10 points N/A #131019

Error while changing the CPU threshold for Global Replace




You can try the following steps to solve your problem:

1. When you are changing the CPU threshold for Global Replace on a group you should not have any other programs running as they may interfere in the process. So make sure you close all applications before performing the change.

2. Check the user settings and login as administrator and try to make the process. Sometimes it may not be able to access the system files due to lack of administrative rights. So make sure you are logged in as administrator.

3. Check your registry for any errors. You could use TuneUp Utilities for this process.

4. If nothing works then try to re-install the software. Many times this solves the problem. Make sure you restart your computer after installing.


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