Error while installing double Twist

I have tried various methods like patching, rebooting etc., but nothing seems to be working.
The program doesn’t get installed completely. The error message is attached.
Installation Aborted

I have tried various methods like patching, rebooting etc., but nothing seems to be working.
The program doesn’t get installed completely. The error message is attached.
Installation Aborted
It is trying to download a file called Bonjour. If it can download it correctly, then the matter is that the version compatibility is not found. You need updated software. Else another problem is that it is unable to download the software correctly. I hope that software installer is a genuine one and that it i not downloading any malwares to your system. Such downloads often bring malwares. You need to do if to find a way to get connected to the internet and obtain software that shall serve you purpose. Software should always be downloaded from their own websites. Thanks.