Asked By
7060 points
Posted on - 09/10/2011
I’m using redhat OS when I was trying to add a package and after selecting the add/remove packages and then authenticating as a root this following message has appeared
Failed to update package list
Unknown error. Please refer to the detailed report and report in bugzilla.
More details
failed to get a TID: A security policy in place prevents this sender from
sending this message to this recipient, see message bus
configuration file (rejected message had interface
“org.freedesktop.PackageKit.Transaction” member “SetLocale” error
name “(unset)” destination “org.freedesktop.PackageKit”) (0)
I have retried the process but nothing has changed same problem.
Would you help me out I’m stuck in here and wish to find an answer here.
Answered By
0 points
Error while trying to add a package with Redhat
Just installed your packages again, but first of all remove all the packages
Two utilities are used for installation and removal
1- RPM utility…………….. RPM slow and very difficult to use
2- yum utility………………. YUM very fast and easy to use
However I can tell you solution with both utilities
1- Using RPM
a- for removal package
/ ] = RPM -e zsh …………………. zsh is a package name which you want to remove
After pressing enter a message display here are you sure to remove the package = yes………………… You press y for yes …………… Package removed from here
b-for installation
/] # RPM -ivh path for copy RPM path for DVD or USB
/] # RPM -I /media/RHEL_5.3i386 DVD/server/zsh -4.2.6……………. It just copies the DVD or USB or any other source
Now installation
/[ # rpm -ivh /var/ftp/pub/server/zsh-4.2.6.i386.rpm
/] # RPM -ivh zsh-* …………. For all packages related to zsh
2- Using YUM…………. Forcibly recommended…………… First copy your packages in a directory or folder
a- how to remove
/]# yum remove zsh……………no need of any path
b- for installation
/]# yum install zsh ……………………….no need of any path