ERROR_INVALID_TABLE 1628 An invalid or unknown table was specified.

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

ERROR_INVALID_TABLE 1628 An invalid or unknown table was specified.

I have just started with Developer 7.01, so please be patient with me. I built an install CD for my application, it works well under WinXP. When I try the CD on a Win98 computer, the install aborts during the "Preparing for Install" dialog while configuring the Windows Installer.

The error message is 1628, which looks like ERROR_INVALID_TABLE. I don't get this error on my production computer.

I peeked at the Direct Editor, I thought this might be the place to look for a problem, but don't know exactly what I'm looking for. The MSI debugger options are greyed out. I got not errors on MSI validation.

How can I figure what the Invalid Table is?

Where should I look?

Answered By 0 points N/A #192383

ERROR_INVALID_TABLE 1628 An invalid or unknown table was specified.



If you have used this on XP you can’t use this on old version 98 because there are some updates on XP that not in 98 some of the programs in XP couldn't be in 98 sometimes you’re going to install some programs in XP and you’re going to install it on 98 incompatibility will occur it can enter on the database. You can use the PCleaner and CCleaner to repair or help your problem. Thanks



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