Errors 0107, 0122 and 0132 when playing Blu-Ray Disc

How do I stop my computer from displaying Error codes 0107, 0122 and 0132 while playing Blu-ray movies? Any help will be appreciated.

How do I stop my computer from displaying Error codes 0107, 0122 and 0132 while playing Blu-ray movies? Any help will be appreciated.
For playing your blu-ray movies in a perfect manner, you need to install codecs. These codecs are required for the players to play the movies perfectly. So you just go to internet explorer and find there the codecs for your player. You need to install all the codecs which are required by the player. You should install those codecs which are related to your software because there are so many codecs are there, which used to run different types of players. So install only those codecs which are related to your player and start playing your blu-ray movies. You will get no problem and you can be able to watch those movies easily.
If you are really interested in playing Blu-ray discs on your computer you need to have the proper tools. You don’t necessarily need to install codec on your computer because even if you do and you don’t have the proper device, you still won’t be able to play any Blu-ray movies.
To download a more suitable player for your Blu-ray discs, please visit and read my post at Playing Blu-ray discs on Windows. The reason why it is hard to play Blu-ray discs on the computer is because of Sony’s licensing on Blu-ray. And you don’t actually need to install codec for your Blu-ray because it is already included in the Blu-ray player as a package.
And also, a Blu-ray disc requires a different device to play it. You cannot insert your Blu-ray disc on any ordinary CD/DVD drive and expect it to read and play the CD. Ordinary CD/DVD drives don’t support Blu-ray discs because it is in a different format and in a much higher capacity.
To play Blu-ray movies, you need to purchase a Blu-ray drive. You will no longer see those errors on your screen if you have a Blu-ray drive and a Blu-ray player.