Hi people!
Can somebody help me please? Â I'm using ColdFusion server and I'm having a hard time looking at pages with widgets being attached in their domain names/browsers. This error always appear. Please assist me with this.
Hope to hear something from you. Thanks!
Problems with this Web page might prevent it from being displayed properly or functioning properly. In the future, you can display this message by double-clicking the warning icon displayed in the status bar.
Always display this message when a page contains errors.
Line: 104
Char: 2
Error: 'WDG_Messages' is undefined
Errors when using widgets in coldfusion
There is no workaround for ColdFusion MX7, except removing the existing DevNet serial number for the ColdFusion MX 7 installation. It will automatically become the free Developer's Edition which does not produce the watermark but has an IP restriction to localhost and 2 other IP addresses.
To do this, follow the next steps (where $CFHOME is the root of your ColdFusion installation):
Stop the ColdFusion MX Application Server.
Backup $CFHOME/lib/license. properties
Open the original $CFHOME/lib/license .properties with a text editor.
Find the line with the serial number, such as "sn=CXX7NN-NNNNN-NNNNN-NNNNNN"
Remove everything on that line after "sn=" (this removes the serial number)
Save the file
Start the ColdFusion MX Application Server.
Check the System Information page in the ColdFusion Administrator to confirm that it has been changed into the Developer Edition.