ERROR_UNKNOWN_PATCH 1647 The patch is not applied to this product

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

ERROR_UNKNOWN_PATCH 1647 The patch is not applied to this product. Available beginning with Windows Installer version 3.0.

For the last months I have had to manually update my computer. Can any one tell me how to overcome this problem, I can download them but they will not install, any one got any good ideas?

The error code is 0x8007066F.

The decimal equivalent of the lower half 0667 is 1647 which is ERROR_UNKNOWN_PATCH.

How do I continue with this?

Best Answer by Carl Jack
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Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #192786

ERROR_UNKNOWN_PATCH 1647 The patch is not applied to this product


Hello Jhon,

In order to resolve the error that you are getting above, you will need to do the following:

  • Try uninstalling and then installing the product that is causing the issue. After that you can go ahead and try updating it and see if it will work.
  • If you still get the issue then it will be better if you contact customer support to get help from them.



Answered By 0 points N/A #192787

ERROR_UNKNOWN_PATCH 1647 The patch is not applied to this product


If you are using Windows XP or Windows server 2003, you may have problems updating your system as the update server for windows xp will be fully unsupported by April 8, 2014. I would suggest you upgrade your operating system to the latest Windows OS, or Windows 7 at the minimum so you would have a hassle free time updating your system.

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